Currently Fairfax Capital’s Managing Director, seasoned industry veteran, Jason Smart, has over 15 years of experience in international capital markets...
Peter Presland has over 45 years of experience in business, much of that at the highest levels of management within both public and private companies...
Grant Duthie is a Partner of the Corporate & Securities Practice Group of Garfinkle Biderman LLP in Toronto, Canada. Grant's practice is focused on the areas of securities, corporate finance and mergers & acquisitions...
Daniel Nauth is a legal expert with over a decade of experience gained on both Wall Street in the U.S. and Bay Street, the center of Toronto’s Financial District. He has deep experience across U.S. securities and corporate law...
Richard Paolone is the principal lawyer of Paolone Law Professional Corporation. Mr. Paolone is a Toronto-based securities lawyer where his work focuses on securities, corporate finance, and mergers and acquisitions...
None of the Directors are considered to be “independent” (using the definition set out in the Corporate Governance Code).
It is intended that additional directors, both executive and non-executive, will be appointed at the time of the acquisition and that independence will be one of the factors taken into account at that time.
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